Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tops deals 6/21 - 6/27

Tops so far the only things that are good are

Eskimo Pie Stickless Bars $1 Each. Use the $1/1 coupon from 5/31 SS to get these for FREE! (Coupon just says ONE ITEM..does not specify a size)Grapes for .99 lb. (these are usually $1.28 lb at Walmart, so this is a great price)Heluva good Dip (included in buy 8 products get 200 gas points promotion). Use the .50/1 printable get these for .50 each (this coupon has reset for me once again!)You can also use the 5/17 $1/2 coupon to get these for $1 each. Coke is 5 for $12 using the in ad coupon for a free pack when you buy 4. If you happen to have any coke coupons like the $1 off 1 12 pack IP from a while ago, you could use 4 to get 5 for $8....ALSO, you could use the doublers to double 2 of them and get 5 pack for $6!

Dole Canned Pineapple and Mandarin Oranges - 10/$10 : and I have a printable that says $1/1, but I don't know which site I got it from! EKE... That would be Free too.Peter Pan Peanut Butter - 3/$5 : I have a $1/1 from Snail Mail makes it 66¢.
Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream 4 oz cups are $10/10, use a $1/1 tearpad from Walgreens to get these free. (no size specification, only 'off any carton')GM cereals are 'Buy 4 get $4 cat' lots of GM Qs out there.

Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Pasta is 10/$10. In the database it shows there are/were blinkies for $.50/1

Thanks to the peeps at

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